In order to prepare your vacation in Moorea, you’ll need to know the different means of transport for getting there and how you’ll get around once you’ve arrived

Famille admirant la vue depuis le belvédère de Opunohu©_Grégoire Le Bacon

Getting to Moorea

Once you arrive in Moorea, there’s a choice of transport for exploring the island. You’ll find car rental offices at the airport and the ferry terminal, and there are many taxis services, based at the airport and close to the major hotels and on the quayside in Vaiare. Motor scooters are also available for rent and are ideal for exploring some of the coastal roads and tracks that aren’t easily accessible by car. Some hotels offer a free or charged shuttle service to the airport and quayside. There is also a bus service on the island, although it isn’t particularly efficient. If you prefer an ecological solution, then you can rent a bike, or an e-bike, to tour around the island at a leisurely pace and enjoy the magnificent scenery to the full.

Getting around in Moorea

Montagnes de Moorea - Polynesie Francaise c Tahiti Tourisme

Once you arrive in Moorea, there’s a choice of transport for exploring the island. You’ll find car rental offices at the airport and the ferry terminal. There are many taxis services, based at the airport and close to the major hotels and on the quayside in Vaiare. Motor scooters are also available for rent and are ideal for exploring some of the coastal roads and tracks that aren’t easily accessible by car. Some hotels offer a free or paid shuttle service to the airport and quayside. There is also a bus service on the island, although it isn’t particularly efficient.


Promenade à vélo c Tahiti Tourisme

If you prefer an ecological solution, then you can rent a bike, or an e-bike, to tour around the island at a leisurely pace and enjoy the magnificent scenery to the full. As for getting around on the lagoon, and visiting some of the idyllic motu, you can hire outrigger canoes, sailing canoes and various motorized boats. You can also charter a sailboat, with or without skipper. Try to take a tour round the island during your stay. You’ll discover secluded motu with pristine white sandy beaches, surrounded by crystal clear turquoise water, perfect for a day’s snorkeling and lazing in the sun.

Be inspired


Don’t hesitate to go a little further and visit some of the other Society Islands, like Huahine, Bora Bora, Raiatea and Tahiti. Each island has its own unique character, with beautiful scenery and plenty of activities for you to choose from, such as, swimming with manta rays and sharks, scuba diving, hiking to scenic viewpoints and lots more. You’ll be able to enjoy typical local dishes in the restaurants and admire the fresh fruit and vegetables as well as the traditional arts and crafts in the markets.

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Practical information

Most accommodation is found along the northern coast of the island, mainly in Cook’s Bay and Opunohu Bay. There is a wide choice, from large hotel complexes to small Tahitian Guesthouses. It is highly recommended that you reserve your accommodation in advance.

There are numerous land and sea excursions to help you discover what makes Moorea so special. You can make your reservation through your accommodationor by internet on the service provider’s website. Guided tours, boat trips, hiking tours, diving excursions, a traditional meal cooked in an earth oven… The choice of excursions is almost endless.

Moorea has several shopping malls dotted around the island, where you can find postal services, banks and ATMs. There are also several supermarkets, a nursing station at Haapiti, a pharmacy at Maharepa, a dispensary clinic at Papetoai and a hospital and pharmacy at Afareaitu. There are emergency rescue centers at Paopao in Cook Bay and at Nuuroa. It is worth making a note of these addresses in case of emergency during your stay.

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